Topic 1: Syndicating service providers
How to syndicate attribution of a 3rd party service provider.
Cliqset has been using <service:provider> a the entry level to resyndicate the service they got the activity from. They were confused by the fact that we added generator.
In addition they pointed out that generator does not have an icon.
Conclusion: Not add atom:icon to entry use link rel="icon" instead
New format:
<link rel="icon" type="image/jpeg" href="" />
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
<generator uri="">Farmville</generator>
Note: <entry><source><generator> would represent the original feed's source. In the above case, Facebook
Topic 2: Syndicating original ID's
We discussed how to syndicate original <id>'s recognizing that some services (ex: Buzz, Windows Live Messenger) had requirements around not passing-through an original <entry><id>
Proposal is to use <entry><crosspost:source><id> as described in Martin's Crosspost spec:
This could also be done at the <entry> level and potentially also the <entry><activity:object> or <entry><activity:target>. For example:
<title type="text">Jason Antonelli shared photos - via Facebook</title>
Topic 3: How to represent image height and width?
Proposal: Image(s) can have width and height. These would be in Atom as attributes atommedia:height and atommedia:width
Topic 4: Should the standard object image be <link rel="preview" .../> or <link rel="photo" .../> ?
Martin noticed that person object and service provider object type used link rel="photo" and that is incompatible with link rel="preview" being at the base object type
Therefore we are proposing changing those two object types back to use link rel="preview"
Proposal: All instances of a thumbnail/medium-sized photo (including within <author>) should be <link rel="preview" .../>
Impacted spec sections are: <author> and Schema service (which was using rel="photo")
Topic 5: Where to put icons?
Proposal: A service with hosted apps (ex: Facebook or MySpace) might put a <link rel="icon" .../> at the feed level for their service and individual app icons (ex: Shared link icon, Video icon) at the <entry> level as a <link rel="icon" .../>
Topic 6: Complex objects / attachments
Use scenarios:
* Enclosed - Blog entry with attached photo(s) and/or embedded video
* Paired - Note/Status with attached picture/link/video
* Referential - Comment --> Photo/Blog/Etc. or Review --> Place/Product/Etc.
Question: How to represent?
Proposal for Enclosed: Add a <link rel="related" .../> or <link rel="enclosure" .../> within an <activity:object> and (optionally) include <id>, <title>, etc. See the XML and examples at:
Revised Proposal for Enclosed: Since the primary case here seems to be photo in note/article, these can be included in <link rel="preview" .../> and that seems to sufficiently cover this use case.
Proposal for Paired: Include two <activity:object> elements as peers, one for the status/note and one for the photo/link/video/etc.
Revised Proposal for Paired: Add a <link rel="related" .../> or <link rel="enclosure" .../> within an <activity:object> and (optionally) include <id>, <title>, etc. See the XML and examples at: If two <activity:object>'s would be peers,
Proposal for Referential: Have <activity:target> support both "to" and "of" or use <thr:in-reply-to> to reference the target of the comment or review.
Summary on this topic: A table of these various cases can be found at:
Topic 7: Increasing ASms adoption with simplicity
To make a valid ASms feed, a potential producer can add <activity:verb> and <activity:object-type> to each <entry> or <item>. <title> and <link (rel="alternate") .../> should be references to the Activity object.
To pass additional information producers can include a more complete <activity:object> element.
Add'l Topics:
In which specific cases should <thr:in-reply-to> vs. <link rel="related" .../> vs. <activity:target> be used?
Do we need to rename the spec? - Tentative tabled
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