

Page history last edited by Peter Reiser 15 years, 2 months ago

Below are some ideas and resources for testing your Activity Streams implementation

Testing your Feed Output

Below are some ideas and suggestions for testing an Activity Streams feed that you output

  1. Verify it's valid XML
  2. Verify it's a valid feed: or 
  3. Verify it's rendered as a feed in various feed readers potentially including:
    1. Google Reader
    2. Bloglines
    3. IE
    4. Safari
    5. FireFox
    6. TO DO: Add others
  4. TO DO: please add more ideas and suggestions here ...

Testing your Feed Ingestion

Below are some ideas and suggestions for testing your system's Activity Streams ingestion:

  1. Try testing existing Activity Streams output in your ingestion system
    1. A list of implementors can be found at and on
    2. TO DO: Add URL's to a few example feeds that contain a variety of activities


Standard Use Cases

Define a standard set of  uses cases implementors could test against it


Standard Unit Test

Define a standard set of  unit test implementors could test against it



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